Next Steps: Where to Find Help
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s important to seek help immediately.
In an emergency, if you feel your life or someone else’s life is in danger, call 999, or go to your nearest Emergency Department (A&E).
If you can’t do this by yourself, ask someone to help you. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone’s time.
Support Is Available:
Bucks Mind delivers services in the heart of our local communities. Bucks Mind promote wellbeing and recovery; we prevent mental ill health; we offer talking therapies and we provide support in times of crisis.
Bucks Mind Telephone: 01494 463364 (Monday to Friday: 8:30 – 16:00) or via their website:
Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies helps people aged 18 or over with common mental health problems.
Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies telephoning 01865 901600 texting “TALK” and your name to 07798 667169
Support Groups: Support groups can help you to connect with others, boost mental health and wellbeing and increase physical activity. Find a List of local groups on the Bucks Online Directory (search Men’s Mental Health) or Bucks Family Information Service
Crisis Services: If you need help for a mental health crisis or emergency, you should get immediate expert advice and assessment.
Get advice from NHS 111 by calling 111 and selecting the mental health option. You can ask for an urgent GP appointment or visit the nearest Emergency Department (A&E).
Bucks Safe Haven, also provides an alternative to A&E for people experiencing mental health crises.
The Bucks Safe Haven service is operating in Buckinghamshire from 6pm- midnight, in the following locations:
High Wycombe: 7 nights a week
260 Desborough Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2QR
Please call: 01494 218098
Aylesbury: 7 nights a week
Peach Tree House, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bierton Road, Sapphire Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1EG
Please call: 01296 453017
Please note, they will ask for some brief contact details during the first call.
You can also reach out to the Samaritans on 116 123 (24 hours), or via their webpage:

Last reviewed: 16/09/2024