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Men In Mind

Spotting the Signs: How to spot the signs of suicide

Certain behaviours can indicate someone is thinking about suicide. Trust your gut instincts and if something doesn’t seem right, say something.

Signs to look out for are:

Feelings: worthless, hopeless, loss, alone, trapped, sudden calmness and peace.

Words: “I can’t take it anymore” “I have had enough” “Everyone will be better off without me” “I’d be better off dead”.

Actions: Making a will, making amends, saying goodbye, apologising for past events, doing risky things or self-destructive behaviour, withdrawing from others.

Situations they might have experienced: Relationship break-up or family issues, money worries, job related stress, loneliness, loss, disabling or painful physical illness, depression, heavy use of drugs or alcohol.

It can be harder to notice signs that someone’s struggling online but, whether it’s on social media or in group chats, keep an eye out for posting stuff that’s sad, negative, graphic, violent, impulsive or emotional (you’ll know when it’s more than just a sarcastic joke).

If you notice any of these signs in someone, it’s important to talk to them and act. Action and small talk can save lives.

Last reviewed: 16/09/2024