Information for public health professionals
Through strong partnership working, building on the great work that already takes place across our county, we want to engage communities in designing and advocating more opportunities for everyone to become more physically active.
The plan is to create a sustainable approach to getting residents of all ages moving more and feeling great, with a particular focus on reducing the number of inactive people across the County.
A flyer, guide and digital toolkit for the Active Bucks project are available for local organisations.
Please keep in touch with the Active Bucks team to hear more about the ongoing engagement process, and how you can be involved.

Stakeholder launch event
It was great to see over 100 delegates and 40 organisations attend the stakeholder launch on the 23 April 2015, to find out more about the project and how they could get involved. Everyone attending made a pledge for our pledge wall to show their commitment to making the project a success.

Launch attendees assemble
Presentations from the stakeholder launch
Engaging Communities
Emma Adams, Research & Evaluation Manager, British Heart Foundation.
Physical Activity: the best route to population health
Ashley Cooper, Bristol University
Active Bucks Introduction
Sarah Mills, Public Health Principal, Buckinghamshire County Council
The Active Bucks project aspires to get everyone to become more active, more often. Funding is being allocated to each of Buckinghamshire's 19 local areas to support the development of new activities. These activities may include weekly community group walks or yoga sessions in a local park.
The Active Bucks resident survey was carried out in the Summer of 2015. The recommendation reports listed below detail the overall health of residents in each local area and the results of the Active Bucks resident survey together with recommendations for which new activities should be funded.
For more information about the Active Bucks project contact
Active Bucks has been designed to engage people at a community level and we therefore need your help in communicating information about the project.
Please make use of the downloadable items found on this page to share with your local networks and to create some noise on your social media networks. We really do appreciate your help in promoting the project.
Logos and images
Please use the logo when promoting the project in publications.
Active Bucks logo
We've got plenty of images you can use. Feel free to download photographs from the selection below, they really help give examples of the types of activities that will help our residents move more!
Social media
We have created some Active Bucks promotional adverts that you can simply post on your Facebook account
We have a dedicated Twitter account @ActiveBucks, so please follow us, retweet us lots and remember to use #activebucks as much as possible!
Follow us on Twitter
Posters, leaflets and articles
Please feel free to use these flyers on your website, on emails or any other digital platform! If you would like some hard copies to distribute in your local area please contact
Community Champion Promotional Postcard 1, Postcard 2, Postcard 3, Postcard 4 and Postcard Back
Do you know of a publication that would be ideal to publicise the Active Bucks project? Use this sample article which includes some images and links to contacts. You could also take a look at the articles we have produced including promotion of the Have Your Say survey and promotion of Community Champions
Active Bucks Stakeholder Guide (1.17 Mb)
Active Bucks flyer (177 Kb)