Community Champions
We want to recruit motivated residents to act as our Community Champions and help us encourage more people to become more active, more often. Champions will really represent local residents and understand their motivations and barriers..
No previous regular physical activity experience is required, just the enthusiasm to try something new and help others to do the same. Champions will:
- Receive bespoke training and ongoing support that develops skills, experience and confidence
- Be rewarded through various incentives including Time Credits
- Be the voice of local people – helping to make a real difference in their community
Interested? View the full role description.
Get in touch
If you'd like to speak to someone to find out more about becoming a community champion, or recommend someone you know, please get in touch:
Call: 01908 622897
Twitter: @activebucks
Time credits
We want to say thank you to everyone who gets involved in the Active Bucks project, whether they just give us their views or go on to become a community champion, so we're using the Time Credit scheme to achieve this.
Time Credits are a time-based currency, used to thank people for contributing time to help others in their community or service. Opportunities to ‘earn’ time credits build on the interests, skills and availability of local people and support new people to become involved. People ‘spend’ time credits to access events, training and leisure services locally and nationally.
Active Bucks will be using Time Credits to reward those that give their time to support the project. Time Credits can be earned by residents who:
- Attend a community engagement and asset mapping event
- Are an Active Bucks community champion or advocate
Active Bucks will also be working to create physical activity opportunities for residents to spend their Time Credits.
What does a Community Champion do?
There are a wide range of activities our Community Champions could get involved in and you will never be asked to do anything you are not comfortable with. We will always provide support and guidance, but we hope that working as a Champion you can build your confidence and get to know lots of different people in your community.
- Host a coffee morning in your local community/children centre.
- Have a stall at community events such as health fairs, library events, community fairs and open days
- Speak to other residents and give out leaflets
- Help with set up/pack down of Active Bucks events in your local area
- Support other Community Champions
- Attend an activity with a local resident
- Promote the benefits of physical activity.
- Speak to local residents to discover the reasons they haven't tried the new activity sessions.
- Share your story of trying new activities and being a Community Champion.
- Find out and share what local people think would get them to start being more active.
- Ask local people what they think about the Active Bucks activities.
- Hand out postcards/posters to local shops, leisure centres, community groups, libraries and noticeboards to promote the Active Bucks activities.
- Find groups in your local area and encourage them to get involved with Active Bucks.
- Attend local community group meetings to speak about the project and inspire them to join Active Bucks activities.
- Support an activity instructorw ith a session e.g. a group walk.
- Take the register and administration duties at a session for Active Bucks
- Support an individual within an activity session
- Plan a group activity with your family, friends and neighbours, to inspire them to be more active, with gardening, play in the park, buggy walk from the school gates.
- Support an individual to do more in their everyday lives, e.g. support an older person to get more active by carrying their shopping so they can walk to the shops.
Last reviewed: 22/02/2016