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Financial worries and mental wellbeing

Being in debt or having money worries can have a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing.

Mental health charity Mind's national website has a series of pages with information and advice on money and mental health.

When to seek urgent help

If you start feeling like you really can't cope, life is becoming very difficult or your life isn't worth living, get help straight away. These are dangerous signs that mean you need to talk to someone.

Ask to see your GP, or contact the Samaritans (08457 90 90 90) for confidential, non-judgmental emotional support.

If you've already had depression or anxiety, even if they weren't formally diagnosed, seek help immediately. You're more likely to have an episode of depression if you've had one before.

Last reviewed: 19/03/2015

Useful links:

Citizens Advice Bureau Mind National Debtline