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Information for Professionals

Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice Workshops

In Buckinghamshire around 1 in 4 adults drink at levels that are harmful to their health. Alcohol related hospital admissions cost the NHS 21.1m per annum.

Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) is a cost-effective and simple way to reduce risky drinking. It is promoted by NICE, the Department of Health and is part of the NHS health check programme.

IBA includes some simple key elements:

  • Identification of alcohol misuse using a validated screening tool such as AUDIT
  • Brief Advice (usually lasting 5-10 minutes). Tailored to the individual, highlighting the benefits of cutting down and tips to achieve it – where an individual is willing
  • Delivered in an empathetic way that aims to motivate and support an individual to change
  • Delivered opportunistically, for instance as part of health checks or new registrations

For any questions regarding Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice training, please contact the Public Health Team,

Buckinghamshire Drugs and Alcohol Strategy

Please click the link below to view the Drugs and Alcohol Strategy 2023-2028.

Drugs and Alcohol Strategy 2023-2028.pdf