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Grow It, Cook It, Eat It


Aylesbury In Bloom Competition Judges visit

The Storehouse Community Garden has been entered into the Aylesbury In Bloom Competition. The Judges came to the garden 5th August. So, everything is as tidy as it could be.

 All the weeding done, and flowers deadheaded. No obvious slug and snail damage to plants.

 All donated plants had been planted into available growing beds. A timely donation of flowers from a local supermarket brightened up the garden for the competition judges.

 The Aylesbury In Bloom Competition celebration of winner will be on 16th September in the evening.

 Because x4 community Food growing gardens had been entered this year, the Town Council are going to create a new category for next year’s competition – “Edible Garden”

 We have a tomato bed, herb growing bed and another with peppers and cucumbers – all grown and cared from in the greenhouse.

 The Community Payback Team have had a couple of weeks break, so no progress was made on the path during this time. What progress was made was taken up the following week to make it safer.